Lime Walk Primary School is a one form entry school with children starting Reception in the autumn term prior to their fifth birthday and provides 30 hours Nursery provision for pre-school children.
The school has 8 classrooms and extensive grounds including nature areas, playgrounds and a large playing field.
We are an inclusive school that engages with all members of the school community to see that all children receive an education that is aspirational, inspires, engages passions and one that will live fondly in their memories for many years to come. Every day children build on existing knowledge and learn to apply skills through a range of activities independently and collaboratively. As part of our learning culture, lessons are adapted to meet individual needs and ensure that learning is relevant and personalised to enable everyone to achieve and succeed through a variety of outcomes. Every child is encouraged to make links between concepts taught in the classroom and their own experiences.
At the heart of the school’s values is the desire to create an environment where children have the opportunity to succeed and utilise their ability to make healthy choices.
I hope that you find the information on our web page useful - please feel free to contact us should you have any queries.
Applying for a place in Nursery
Is your child due to start Nursery?
The Early Years Foundation Stage at Lime Walk Primary School offers children safety and security from the moment they enter. We offer a stimulating environment with resources that are plentiful and engaging and our caring staff are committed to helping children achieve the best of their ability through an engaging curriculum full of first hand, memorable learning experiences.
Within our Early Years Foundation Stage Unit there are 26 places. Our Nursery runs from 08:45am to 11:45am, followed by the option of 30 hours care.
All Nursery children are entitled to a 15 hour funded place. Children of parents who meet additional criteria may be entitled to a 30 hour funded place (upon completion of application through www.gov.uk and presentation of an eligibility code to the school). It is the parent’s sole responsibility to complete the application and submit the eligibility code and date of birth to the school by the deadline stipulated.
All parents that are interested in a 30 hour funded nursery placement are required to indicate to the school that they will be submitting an application to www.gov.uk as they meet the criteria for 30 hours free childcare.
To apply for a Nursery place you will need to apply directly to the school.
The application system is open and application forms can be found on the school website or from the school office. To apply for a Nursery place you will need to apply directly to the school before Friday 21st March 2025.
We would love to welcome you to one of our Open Mornings taking place at 09:30am on the following dates:
Monday 10th February 2025
Wednesday 26th February 2025
Thursday 6th March 2025
Tuesday 11th March 2025
Tuesday 18th March 2025
Phone: 01442 262341 Email: admin@limewalk.herts.sch.uk
Nursery admission timeline
Monday 10th February 2025 – Nursery applications open
Friday 21st March 2025 – Nursery applications close for on time applications (applications can be accepted at any point after this date, but will be dealt with as late applications)
Monday 31st March 2025 - Nursery places are offered to families by email
Friday 25th April 2025 – Deadline for families to accept places in writing