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Year Group Plans

At Lime Walk Primary School we aim to provide all children with a rich curriculum that enables learners to explore and discover the world around them through exciting, practical and hands-on-experiences that foster curiosity and questioning.  Our aim is to equip children with the skills to safely and confidently explore and understand the ever changing world around them and guide individuals to form views and ask questions that broaden their understanding through structured and systematic teaching.

Throughout our school, children build on existing knowledge and learn to apply skills through a range of activities independently and collaboratively.  As part of our whole school framework, lessons are adapted to meet individual needs and ensure that learning is relevant and personalised to enable everyone to achieve and succeed through a variety of outcomes.  All children are encouraged to make links between concepts taught in the classroom and their own experiences.

Enthusiastic teachers plan a variety of opportunities to extend learning through meaningful and worthwhile activities that involve the local community, visiting speakers or school trips and journeys.  Outside learning opportunities create children who are engaged, confident and aspirational.  At Lime Walk children can learn and grow their inquisitive nature, participate alongside their peers and engage in their interests.

To create engaged, confident and responsive learners our curriculum is tailored to provide opportunities for children to pursue their own learning direction within a specific framework.  Open thinking and risk taking is actively promoted in an environment that progressively builds upon prior knowledge and understanding that enables children to grow into confident learners.

Understanding and positivity is embedded throughout interactions with all members of the community.  At Lime Walk we make sure that all children are respected and addressed in sensitive and encouraging engagements where knowledge is praised, attitudes towards learning are rewarded and understanding is questioned.  Opportunities for children to express thoughts and ideas to a wider audience are positively encouraged.  All members of the school staff are considered positive role models and aim to immerse children in a nurturing environment where interests can be harnessed and all are encouraged to formulate questions.  At Lime Walk we listen to the children but challenge concepts to examine ideas and see the world from a wide range of perspectives.

Children understand when they have achieved a goal or made progress towards a target and parents are welcomed to share in the success of their child.  Positive role models are championed regularly throughout the school.  When situations arise for attitudes to be challenged or behaviour to be refined, children are supported and avenues to develop good learning habits are pursued.  

At the heart of the school’s values is the desire to create an environment where children have the opportunity to succeed and utilise their ability to make healthy choices.

If you would like further information on how you can support your child's learning at home please speak directly with your child's teacher.

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