Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Your class teacher this year is Miss Sheehan and Mrs Piper-Blunt is your teaching assistant and we are all very much looking forward to leading the children on their Year 5 journey and sharing a very exciting and productive year. We hope that your child will enjoy the new challenges and experiences that Year 5 has to offer and will share their learning with you at home.
In year 5 we expect that your child should develop their reading by reading to themselves or an adult, continue to practise spellings and rehearse times tables facts (including multiplication and division). With regular practise your child will gain confidence and develop good knowledge of the times tables. We suggest practising 15 to 30 minutes a day for optimal results. The children can login onto Times Tables Rock Stars to practise their time tables.
The class have swimming every Wednesday morning at Hemel Hempstead Leisure Centre and are taught by fully qualified swim coaches provided by the centre. Mrs Barnes, Miss Sheehan and Mrs Piper-Blunt accompany the children every week. All payments can be made online or at the office and must be paid for in advance
We all look forward to a happy and successful year together.
On this page, you will find out about what your child will be learning this term so you can support them at home. Listed below are some useful websites to aid learning at home:
Times Tables Rock Stars:
BBC Bitesize:
If you have any questions or queries about your child’s learning, please do speak with Miss Sheehan at the end of the day who will be happy to provide any support and guidance needed