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Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act (2000) (FOI) requires all Public Authorities (including schools) to produce a register of the types of information it will routinely make available to the public. This publication scheme follows a template approved by the Information Commissioner.

The scheme commits us to:

  • Proactively/ routinely publish information which is held by us falling within the “Classes” below (see section 2) in line with this scheme.
  • Specify the information
  • Explain how it will be made available
  • Review and update information on a regular basis
  • Explain any fees to be charged for the information
  • Make this scheme publicly available
  • Publish information held by the school that has been requested (unless not appropriate to do so)
  • Publish information in a digital form that is capable of being re-used (under FOI Section 19 and the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations (2015))
  • Make clear if any information is a relevant copyright work (under FOI Section 19(8)) and the school is the only owner
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