Admission Arrangements
Information for parents
Information for parents is available at:
The website includes all the information you need to know, from how apply for a school place to in-year admissions. All admission processes must be arranged via the Admissions team.

Applying for a Nursery Place
Is your child due to start Nursery?
Welcome to all those children and their families who are thinking of joining Lime Walk Primary School nursery.
You can apply for a nursery school place, if your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.
To apply for a Nursery place you will need to apply directly to the school.
Starting Nursery is an exciting time in a child’s life as they start their journey through school. At Lime Walk Primary School our children benefit from an open plan free-flow approach so Nursery and Reception children can learn and play together to maximise learning and develop interactions with other children and adults.
The separate entrance for our Nursery children helps create the feeling of a small school ‘within a school’. Drop off and collection from the class door ensure our children feel safe in their environment and the teaching staff are always there to welcome the child and speak with parents and carers.
All Nursery children are entitled to a 15 hour funded place. Children of parents who meet additional criteria may be entitled to a 30 hour funded place (upon completion of application through and presentation of an eligibility code to the school). It is the parent’s sole responsibility to complete the application and submit the eligibility code and date of birth to the school by the deadline stipulated.
All parents that are interested in a 30 hour funded nursery placement are required to indicate to the school that they will be submitting an application to as they meet the criteria for 30 hours free childcare.
We would love to welcome you to look around our school.
For more information please call the school office or email.
Phone: 01442 262341

Virtual Tour
Please follow the link below, to see a short video of our Early Years setting. If you have any questions or queries, please contact the school office.
Applying for a school Reception place
We have spaces available for children due to start Reception 2024/25.
To make an in year admission you will need to visit the Herts Council admissions website or call us and we can help you through the process.
All families with children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 can apply for a reception place regardless if they already have a place in our school nursery.
This is an online application process and all parents are encouraged to use it. However, if you can not apply online, please do not hesitate to approach us and we will be able to help you in several ways:
- Help you to apply online or do it on your behalf;
- Support and guide you through the application process.
Admission Arrangements
Lime Walk Primary School has an annual admission number of 30 pupils per year for Reception, and we issue places for any other children in other year groups, as and when they may become available.
Section 324 of the Education Act 1996 requires the governing bodies of all maintained schools to admit children with an EHC (Education, Health and Care) Plan that names the school.
For more information, any queries or if you need translation services, please contact the school or the Admissions Customer Services Team on: 0300 1234043.
Please contact the school office on 01442 262341 or email if you would like further information or if you wish to arrange a visit.
To apply for a Nursery place the application form must be returned to