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Curriculum Ambitions

A confident, creative community of life-long learners

Confident - All children will be able to communicate their needs and ideas confidently.


Our children will be able to:

  • Understand and use fundamental vocabulary
  • Express their feelings and needs using appropriate language
  • Communicate with different people in different ways.
  • Talk about what they observe, explain their thinking and ask questions to deepen their understanding.


We will enable this by:

  • Deliberately teaching new vocabulary and ensure children can use it in context.
  • Adults modelling grammatically correct language structures through high quality interactions.
  • Providing children with a range of real-life experiences to develop their knowledge and interest in the world around them. 
  • Adult led sessions planned to promote communication and language.
  • Providing a range of resources including visuals and Makaton signs.
  • Providing opportunities and stimulus to encourage children to share their thoughts and ideas with their peers, ask questions and talk about why things happen. 

Confident - All children will be confident to take ownership of their learning.


Our children will be able to:

  • Manage their own risks in different situations.
  • Show independence in choosing and using appropriate resources.
  • To develop ways to resolve conflict between themselves and their peers when tackling new learning.
  • To show resilience and collaborate to find solutions to problems.
  • Use tools and equipment with confidence.
  • Engage with new learning opportunities.


We will enable this by:

  • Providing children with opportunities to take appropriate risks in their environment.
  • Modelling and demonstrating how to use tools and equipment appropriately and safely.
  • Providing opportunities for children to collaborate with peers to carry out their ideas.
  • High quality adult interactions that model ways to be kind and respectful to others.
  • Ensuring that the learning environments allow children to be able to independently select and access resources.
  • Adults explicitly modelling the use of learning environments and the resources in each area to ensure children are appropriately equipped to access resources as needed. 

Creative - All children will be able to use a range of media to express themselves effectively


Our children will be able to:

  • Engage in self-expression and be able to explain how they have represented ideas in different ways including through movement, music, marks or words.
  • Confidently access a range of different media to represent their thoughts and ideas.
  • Build, construct, compose or create with a purpose – planning, reviewing and adapting the process in order to achieve a goal.


We will enable this by:

  • Providing high quality open-ended resources to ensure that children have ready access to a range of options when creating with materials.
  • Providing opportunities to make marks, role-play, construct models and create composition in all areas of the learning environment.
  • Adults engaging in high quality interactions to model the fundamental skills in context to allow children to express themselves creatively.
  • Adults modelling to children how to express themselves through mark making by scribing, using phoneme-grapheme correspondence to represent words and support the construction of sentences.
  • Singing songs and rhymes and reading stories throughout the day to support and develop language skills.
  • Encouraging children to perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others.

Creative - All children will demonstrate curiosity and engage in imaginative play


Our children will be able to:

  • Talk about what they observe, explain their thinking and ask questions to deepen their understanding.
  • Show interest and awareness about how things work.
  • Represent real-life situations, resolve conflict, solve problems and retell stories through imaginative play.
  • Investigate, explore and compare resources or ideas to find novel solutions and develop their understanding. 


We will enable this by:

  • Adult interactions developing curiosity and encouraging children to ask how, when, where and why questions using sentence stems such as – ‘I wonder why….’ or ‘How might we…?’
  • Providing a range of open ended resources that can be used in a variety of ways and ensure that adults model their use to given children a range of options to use in their play.
  • Providing small world and role-play equipment and model their use.
  • Making use of children’s personal interests to spark their curiosity and provide a driver for other aspects of learning.

Community - All children will develop positive relationships which reflect the diversity of our community.


Our children will be able to:

  • Understand their value and the value of others in our community.
  • Show an awareness of other cultures and backgrounds.
  • Be able to talk about, answer questions and initiate conversation about the similarities and differences between themselves and their peers.
  • Be aware and understanding of the differing needs of everyone in our community e.g. SEND, those with English as an additional language, those from varying socio-economic backgrounds etc.
  • Understand and express their own emotions and appreciate how others may be feeling.
  • Feel confident in navigating different relationships and their role in the routines within the setting. 


We will enable this by:

  • Ensuring that high-quality adult interactions focus on supporting pupil’s self-esteem, demonstrating our values and encouraging children to understand their role in our community.
  • Modelling and encouraging positive behaviour and relationships within the school community, recognising and appreciating the differing needs of individuals.
  • Using a range of resources including role-play and stories to develop children’s emotional literacy.
  • Ensuring coverage of the curriculum includes exposure to all world religions, cultures, communities and celebrations and can be adapted to reflect the needs of individual cohorts. 

Community - All children will develop an interest in the natural world and understand their impact on it.


Our children will be able to:

  • Show an interest in, and understand the effect of the changing seasons on the natural environment around them.
  • Understand the key features of life cycles.
  • Begins to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things including plants
  • Understand the role of individuals and groups in collectively protecting the environment.


We will enable this by:

  • Adults modelling conserving resources and energy as appropriate e.g. turning off unnecessary lights, replacing lids on pens and glue sticks and using resources appropriately.
  • Providing real-life opportunities and first-hand experiences that enable children to explore and investigate the natural world and how our actions have an impact on the environment e.g. planting areas, harvesting produce, learning about life cycles, litter picking, recycling, observing the environment in different seasons etc.
  • Engaging with members of our community to explore the various roles that individuals and groups have in protecting our natural world and environment. 

Life-long learners - All children will develop a mathematical awareness and understanding of number sense to use in practical situations.


Our children will be able to:

  • Be familiar with the counting system, the composition of numbers and their relationship to each other.
  • To understand and recall mathematical concepts such as one more/one less, number bonds, doubles and numerical patterns.
  • To understand mathematical vocabulary in context e.g.  language around size, pattern, position and measure.
  • Understand the relevance of mathematical concepts in everyday situations.
  • Be able to confidently and accurately count and recognise small amounts. 


We will enable this by:

  • Singing songs and nursery rhymes with a focus on number and mathematical concepts throughout provision.
  • Ensuring that adult led sessions provide a sequential understanding of the concept of number and patterns.
  • Ensuring fundamental mathematical vocabulary is deliberately taught.
  • Providing real-life, practical opportunities for children to independently investigate and practice their number skills in different contexts, using high quality resources.
  • Ensuring adult interactions focus on appropriate use of mathematical vocabulary.

Life-long learners - All children will understand the importance of reading as a tool for future learning.


Our children will be able to:

  • Use familiar story language in their play.
  • Be able to retell familiar stories, core texts and traditional tales using fundamental vocabulary.
  • Understand the structure of stories.
  • Know a range of nursery rhymes
  • Use books to find information.
  • Select their own reading materials and understand how to handle them appropriately.
  • Build reading fluency to enable them to read words and sentences using their phonic knowledge. 


We will enable this by:

  • Ensuring that children have access to a wide range of reading materials that reflect high quality language development, diverse story structures and are reflective of the school community.
  • Ensuring adults model reading aloud to children multiple times throughout the provision including story times, during independent play and during daily reading / phonics lessons.
  • Ensuring adults read in small groups and 1:1 with individuals as needed.
  • Providing all children with regular access to both classroom libraries and the school library where they will be encouraged to select books to share within school and at home. 
  • Providing opportunities throughout the year to enable children to build their own home libraries e.g. book start, books to celebrate different events and as prizes.
  • Carefully choosing appropriate texts to ensure that curriculum skills can be revisited in different contexts.
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