Art and Design

‘Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else’
Sydney Clemens
At Lime Walk we intend to familiarise our children with the lives and works of famous artists from different periods, cultures and genres. We will study their techniques and understand how their art has shaped history, culture and creativity.
We believe that art and design gives our pupils the opportunity to express themselves, respond to new ideas and gain skills and experience with a variety of media. Our intention is to equip our children with the knowledge and skills to inspire their creativity and produce their own original works of art by offering a high-quality art and design curriculum which engages, inspires and challenges our pupils.
Art and design throughout the school stimulates creativity and reflectiveness.
It enables children to communicate what they see, feel and think through discussion and practical skills. We encourage children to reflect on both their own and others artwork verbally and children are taught to understand that art is subjective and individuality is to be respected.
Within our art and design curriculum, we believe that it is the skills, knowledge and experiences afforded to the children which are important. With this in mind, not all teaching and learning sequences will have an individual outcome, but a series of smaller outcomes, showcasing the skills and knowledge acquired during the sequence. The opportunity for children to refine and develop artistic techniques over time is supported by effective lesson sequencing and progression between year groups.
The artists linked to each topic provide examples of excellence within this skill set or area. They show children the best that can be. They are drawn from a range of genres, time periods and cultures.
Where appropriate, links with other curriculum areas are made, but only where they are meaningful and allow for the unique knowledge and skills within art to be maintained.
Below is an example of the teaching sequence within a unit:
Artist Discovery – learning about the life of a specific artist and their specialist skill or genre.
Skills development – children learn skills and techniques with the media and materials used by the focus artist and how to apply these themselves.
Planning and practising – children practise using their new skills (recorded in sketch books if possible) in order to implement them in a final art piece.
Creating a final piece – each child creates their own finished piece of art or contributes to a group or whole class project.
Evaluation – children evaluate their own or others work and reflects on their practise.
‘Every child is an artist, the problem is trying to remain an artist as we grow up’
Pablo Picasso

All children will leave Lime Walk having learned about a diverse range of artists from around the world.
They will have learnt a range of artistic techniques and be able to apply this broad skill set in a range of disciplines to their own work.
They will have had the opportunities to create and present individual and shared art works around the school in displays which reflect the children’s sense of pride.
These will culminate in an annual school gallery, open to visitors which celebrates the children’s achievements.
We aim to open children’s eyes to a world of art with the belief that exposure to a variety of artistic elements and genres will inspire the artists of our future.