Message sent from:


Mrs Sue Thorpe Co-Chair of Governors SEN, Safeguarding Partnership Governor
Mrs Sarah Carmichael Co-Chair of Governors Health & Safety Parent Governor
Ms Rebecca Harvey Clerk to Governors   Clerk to the Governors
Mr Andrew Kerse Headteacher   Headteacher
Mrs Vicky Hewitt Deputy Headteacher   Associate governor
Ms Liza Isaac     Staff Governor
Mr Mohammed Ahmed     Co-opted Governor
Mrs Claire Long     Parent Governor
Stuart Pilgrim     Co-opted Governor

Governing Body Meeting Attendance

Governors Written Statement of Behaviour Principles

The governors have created a statement of principles, not practice.

Practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Headteacher.

The statement has been adopted by the Governing Body as a whole and is informed by Lime Walk Primary School’s vision to work in partnership to provide an inclusive, safe and stimulating environment which inspires a creative, confident community of lifelong learners.

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